Best High School Art Curriculum Available!
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High School Art Lessons & Art History for High School, Homeschool, or Independent Study Students
Drawing on History – High School Art History Lessons Cover a Full Year of Required High School Fine Art Credits

Drawing on History — high school art curriculum — is a hands on, art lesson approach to art history and art appreciation. This unique high school art curriculum is designed and written for homeschool students or independent study high school students by a homeschool mom with a degree in Communication Design and Illustration.
Drawing on History covers one year of required high school fine arts credits and can be used individually or in a group setting. Drawing on History homeschool art curriculum gives the student an overview of many of the major art movements from Romanticism of the 1830s to Psychedelic art of the 1960s with super fun art projects.
This book was written to parallel the Beautiful Feet Modern U.S. and World History (for Senior High) curriculum, but can stand alone or be used to enhance any world history curriculum by teaching hands-on art lessons for each time period. While creating art in the style of the masters, students will gain a better understanding of world history and art history as they unfold together.

2022 Winner of the Best Homeschool Curriculum & Products on the Plant Award from How To Homeschool

2021 Winner of the Best Middle & High School Homeschool Resources & Curriculum Award from How To Homeschool
Detailed Art Lesson Plans Are Included

Drawing on History just got easier! Barbara Biggs, homeschool teacher and mother of four, used Drawing on History with her daughter and developed a detailed lesson plan for her and her daughter to follow. Barbara's lesson plan comes from the perspective of a non-artist mom and teacher, who needed a method to measure her student's comprehension of each chapter in Drawing on History. Well done Barbara and thanks for being willing to share this with all the Drawing on History teachers and students!!
This extra resource includes: Art Quizzes, Tests, Mid-term, Final Exam, and Answer Keys, which are FREE in the Resource Center with a purchase of Drawing on History.
Art Lesson Resource Center
Purchase the book and receive the password to the Resource Center. The Resource Center is loaded with valuable lesson support, tips, art, videos, free project downloads, AND Barbara's lesson plans and tests.
The Old School House
I really liked Drawing on History. Most art curricula just teach art with little or no background on the artist or period in history. This curriculum incorporates so much detail into each lesson giving the student a thorough background into not only the artist but the movement and period in art history. . . .READ MORE»
Jennifer Ladewig - The Old Schoolhouse, 2019