Action Painting - High School Art Curriculum - Drawing on History - Jackson Pollock
Action Painting – Abstract Expressionism – by Micah

Nothing gets teenagers more excited than telling them that they can throw paint around. There’s a pause before they start, almost with unbelief that they are allowed, even encouraged to get going. Letting their creativity flow by using the action of their bodies, they created some spectacular art. Through this project the students learned about Abstract Expressionism and Jackson Pollock.

This high school art curriculum, Drawing on History, is actually being used by jr. high and high school students in a co-op class. Drawing on History, follows Beautiful Feet’s U.S. and World History for High School Students, written by Rea Burg. For this particular class these students are using the curriculum as a stand alone art curriculum.

Drawing on History is written by Deborah Swanson, home school teacher, artist, and graphic designer.

Action Painting - High School Art Curriculum - Drawing on History - Jackson Pollock
Action Painting - High School Art Curriculum - Drawing on History - Jackson Pollock
Action Painting - High School Art Curriculum - Drawing on History - Jackson Pollock
Action Painting - High School Art Curriculum - Drawing on History - Jackson Pollock
Action Painting – Abstract Expressionism – by Bernadette
Action Painting - High School Art Curriculum - Drawing on History - Jackson Pollock
Action Painting – Abstract Expressionism – by Beth
Action Painting - High School Art Curriculum - Drawing on History - Jackson Pollock
Action Painting – Abstract Expressionism – by Matisse
Action Painting - High School Art Curriculum - Drawing on History - Jackson Pollock
Action Painting – Abstract Expressionism – by Julia
Action Painting - High School Art Curriculum - Drawing on History - Jackson Pollock
Action Painting – Abstract Expressionism – by Kody
Action Painting - High School Art Curriculum - Drawing on History - Jackson Pollock
Action Painting – Abstract Expressionism – by Ethan
Action Painting - High School Art Curriculum - Drawing on History - Jackson Pollock
Action Painting – Abstract Expressionism – by David

“Every good painter paints what he is. – Jackson Pollock